Zenfully Written By: Yolanda Vasquez, Life Coach, & President of Zenful Cleaning Solutions of South Florida
What is 5 de Mayo?
The first step in throwing an authentic Cinco de Mayo fiesta is to actually know what it is! So, first and foremost, let's get one thing straight: Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day (Mexican Independence Day is actually on September 16). Cinco de Mayo exists to commemorate Mexico's victory at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862 — hence the name of the celebration, Cinco (5th) de (of) Mayo (May)! Despite being a Mexican celebration, it seems to be celebrated even more in the United States, where you can find some pretty amazing parties annually, all across the country.
Hosting a Cinco de Mayo Gathering?
For those of you who are celebrating 5 de Mayo we wish you a warm and welcoming evening full of fun and excitement with your friends and family!!
Need someone to help with the "After Party Cleaning"?
5 de Mayo After Party Cleaning Tip!
Here's a tip which I put to use, especially after all that cooking on 5 de Mayo!
Here is my home’s cleaning routine, step-by-step, and how affresh® Cooktop Cleaning Wipes helps keep my cooktop shiny and sparkling like new.
Each dual-sided wipe features a scrubber side to remove everyday residues and a smooth side to clean my cooktop with a streak-free finish*
I get to enjoy a clean, polished shine, every time. It’s so easy to use, it will take the thinking and tired feeling you get to clean up after a party, giving you the satisfaction of a job well done!
Wherever there is a specific cleaning job to do, you can count on affresh® cleaners to provide the right tool for the job. Excited about it? You can purchase it HERE .
Here it is:
Step 1
Make sure all the food crumbs and grease are wiped and removed with a damp paper towel
Step 2
Use affresh® Cooktop Cleaning Wipes as directed
Step 3
Enjoy a beautiful sparkling clean stove top
We hope you found this bit of information helpful, inspiring,
and motivating! Clean Away!